Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween and a hurricane

Hurricane Sandy blew in this past week as I'm sure you all know. We are located in Northeast Maryland so we definitely felt the hurricane's effects. Luckily, we never lost power and only had a few issues with water coming in the front door. We lucked out. I'm praying for all those that lost their homes and businesses due to the storm.

Halloween was a success. Harper & I went as Pebbles and Wilma. Landon was a dead ninja and Josh was a redneck (or I don't even know what he was.. he definitely was embarrassing). I made Harper's costume and while the storm was going on we carved pumpkins. Unfortunately my laptop took a huge fall this past week and my card reader is now permanently residing way up in my computer so I only have iPhone pics to share.

I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe and spooky Halloween!!!


  1. I'm glad y'all were spared the worst of the storm. That video you posted of Josh on FB was HILARIOUS!

  2. I'm glad you didn't suffer much because of the storm!

    Your costumes were great!
