Friday, May 31, 2013

First Grade Field Trip

My husband took the day off last Wednesday and we went on Landon's field trip together. We followed the bus because honestly who wants to ride with all those kids?! Just kidding (kind of). We went to Westmoreland Berry Farm where the kids learned about strawberries and how they grow. We picked strawberries and got to ride on a hay ride. It was a lot of fun but exhausting. We had to take Harper with us but she had a good time too.

It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close in just two weeks. I can't believe Landon will soon be a big 2nd grader. I don't know where the time went. It feels like he was just a baby and now he is 7 years old. I look at Harper sometimes and I think I just can't wait for her to be a little older so things will be easier. Then I have to kick myself because I know I will turn around and be going on her 1st grade trip too. Time flies by way too fast. I think it goes by quicker the older you get.

Here are a few photos from our day. They were all taken with my phone so they aren't great quality. We had a good time and the kids slept the whole way home.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you moms out there. It is the toughest job in the world, but the most rewarding job.

My mother's day was great. My husband made sure to treat me like a queen. He made reservations for The Melting Pot. Want to know what hell is like? Take a toddler to a fondue restaurant. The food was delicious, but I couldn't wait to get out of there. Harper is a handful, but we thought we could handle her and take turns with taking care of her and making her happy. We are so wrong. I have never wanted to leave a restaurant so quick in my life. The moral of the story is don't take a toddler to The Melting Pot. Sorry to every single person that was there that had to listen to our Harper.

That is motherhood though. There are ups and there are downs. There are days when I want to crawl into a hole with a bottle of wine. Then there are days that are so perfect that I have to pinch myself. I love being a mom to these two beautiful, spunky, little humans. They are my reason for being.

There is nothing sweeter then when Harper crawls into her brothers lap. They love each other so much.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Current Faves

I was inspired by my friend Lisa over at Beauty and her Boys to do a faves post. I use this stuff all the time and I love all of them. They are all pretty cheap too which is important to me since we are on a budget.

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1. Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Renewal (sample sized). I got it in last month's Ipsy bag and LOVE it. It makes my hair feel soft.

2. Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal Cleanser. This stuff smells SOOOOO good. I love it and it makes my face feel amazing.

3. Cake Batter Chapstick. You can't go wrong with Chapstick, but cake batter Chapstick is even better.

4. St. Ives Timeless Skin Collagen Elastin Moisturizer. This stuff is so creamy and makes my skin soft. I even put it on my legs and arms.

5. Sonia Kashuk Brushes. I got this brush kit at Target and they are so soft and super pretty.

Everything here is under $15 bucks!!!!! These are my current can't live without beauty items. What are yours? 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I think it's safe to say that I suck at this whole blogging thing. Who am I kidding though? I know only my family reads this so they can keep up with us. So it's whatever. I try to write when I can and I'd love to have a thriving blog like I did a couple of years ago, but that means getting out my laptop more then once a month. For some reason I can't blog from my iPad. It just crashes when I try to post. It is what it is.

After losing Ellie we knew that we wanted another dog ASAP. We had been planning to get a Labrador once we bought our house anyways. So we found a local, reputable breeder in Fredericksburg (whom we LOVE) and got a yellow lab!

Introducing Lola! Or as I like to call her Lola Cabana or Lola Bananas. We always sing that stupid Coppa Cabana song now that we have her. Let me tell you something, labs are HARD as puppies. If you don't want to put a lot of work into the puppy stage then don't get a lab. Period. She is so high maintenance. It's been crazy around here with her and the kids. It's like having two toddlers running through the house. She does know most of the commands we've taught her and she is pretty much potty trained. She just has the occasional accident here and there. I'm ready to be out of the puppy stage though! It really makes me miss Ellie because she was the most laid back, chill dog ever. I know this dog will grow on me though. There are some days when I really don't like her because she pooped and got it all over her crate or she nipped at Harper and left a hellacious scratch. I spend most of my days yelling NO LOLA or DAMN IT LOLA because she chews on every little thing. She ours though and this house once again has the pitter patter of dog feet. Oh how I missed that.

It's a good thing that she's cute.

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